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Interreg Danube REFOCuS project – Collecting Black Alder forest reproductive material in Murska šuma, Slovenia


Croatian Forest Research Institute (CFRI) in collaboration with Slovenian Forestry Institute and private forest owners organized two-day fieldwork (9-10/1/2019) in Murska šuma, important riparian forest near Lendava in Slovenia. The goal was to collect forest reproductive material (cones and seeds) in Black Alder clone seminal plantation. Despite the weather conditions, tree climbers from CFRI collected about 20 kg of forest reproductive material. Later we will extract seeds and deposit it into the regional seed bank of riparian species hosted by the CFRI. Establishment of regional seed bank of riparian tree species contributes to one of the main goals of REFOCuS project – to increase availability of quality forest reproductive material of most important riparian tree species. In this way REFOCuS and CFRI contribute to securing future of endangered riparian forests in Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve.


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