Bibliography of the Croatian Forest Research Institute (1945-2015) Bibliography contains bibliographic data of all Institute’s employees for the period from 1945 to 2015 (in Croatian). |
Bibliography of the Croatian Forest Research Institute (1945-2005) Bibliography contains bibliographic data of all Institute’s employees for the period from 1945 to 2005 (in Croatian). |
Monography of the Croatian Forest Research Institute (1945-2015) Monography of the Croatian Forest Research Institute for the period from 1945 to 2015 (in Croatian). |
Monography of the Croatian Forest Research Institute (1945-2005) Monography of the Croatian Forest Research Institute for the period from 1945 to 2005 (in Croatian). |
MANUAL ABOUT RODENTS IN CROATIAN FORESTS The purpose of this Manual is to serve the forestry profession for acquainting with the basic characteristics of the most common rodent species in the forests of Croatia, for their recognition and the determination of the characteristic damage they cause. The manual also provides information on rodent control and available methods of reducing their number as well as the most common diseases that forest rodents can convey. |
GLOSSARY OF ARBORICULTURAL TERMS The Glossary of Arboricultural Terms published by the Croatian Arboricultural Council (HUA). The Glossary is 118 pages long and consists of almost 1500 technical terms in English and Croatian in the field of arboriculture with detailed and easily understandable definitions and terminology. The Glossary offers terms in English, definitions in English, terms in Croatian and definitions in Croatian in alphabetical order. |
HOLISTIC – Brochure on post – fire vegetation and site regeneration – Recommendations for post – fire biomass management The Mediterranean forest ecosystems are exposed to the variety of mostly negative effects that cause changes of temporary and/or permanent character. Historically Mediterranean forests were influenced by very early settlements and an intensive development of population. There are very few places in the world where influences and pressures of man on forests are so evident like in the Mediterranean Information on post-fire vegetation and site regeneration can be found in the download links below. |
HOLISTIC – Manual for effective utilisation of biomass The main focus of this manual is related to the possibilities of biomass use, technical aspect and implementation guide on how to manage biomass heating systems in municipalities and cities. |
INFORMATION MANUAL FOR PRIVATE FOREST OWNERS Information manual for private forest owners issued by the Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management, 2008. based on expert backgrounds made by the Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko in cooperation with employees of the Ministry, Department for Private Forests. The manual provides basic information on forests and forestry in Croatia, silviculture, current trends in forestry, forest protection, occupational safety and basic concepts on legislative frameworks in the field of forestry. In its introductory part it brings the most common questions and answers related to the needed knowledge of forest owners. The manual is divided into six basic chapters. After each chapter, basic literature is provided for those who want to know more. |