+385 (0)98 324795, +385 (0)98 340497


The scientific activity of Croatian Forest Research Institute include:

  • conducting scientific, developmental and highly professional research in the scientific field of biotechnical sciences; scientific field of forestry, branches of horticultural research, forest exploitation, urban forestry and nature protection, forest management and protection, forestry and hunting, ie from the following forestry specialties: soil science, ecology, tree breeding, seed and nursery, genetics, natural forest regeneration, crops and plantations, plant nutrition, phytocenology, fires, entomology and phytopathology, integral protection, typology, tree growth, remote sensing, GIS, scientific organization and economic policy of forestry, production of forest seeds and forest planting material,
  • publishing the results of scientific, developmental and highly professional research of the Institute with the possibility of publishing original scientific papers of other institutions and persons, and translations of original foreign scientific and other papers of interest to forestry,
  • organizing and holding scientific and professional lectures, seminars, briefings, courses and workshops for training and advanced training of personnel in forestry,
  • providing consulting services, preparation of studies and expertise for the needs of the Founders and other clients,
  • cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific and professional institutions, organizations and professional associations in order to exchange experiences and improve scientific methods of work.

Development and highly professional research and highly professional activities of the Croatian Forestry Institute include:

  • research in the production of forest seeds, plant reproductive material, and production, retail and wholesale and foreign trade of forest seeds and plant reproductive material,
  • retail and wholesale trade, and foreign trade in plant protection products, fertilizers, forestry equipment, mulch and compost,
  • preparation of expertise, projects, studies, forest management bases, management programs, special purpose forest management programs, hunting management bases, structural studies, and providing expert advice from their activities,
  • professional supervision over the production of forest seeds and forest seedlings, testing the quality of forest seeds, and issuing the prescribed documents in internal and external traffic,
  • research and testing of pesticides,
  • providing laboratory services,
  • design of landscaping and green areas,
  • arrangement and maintenance of parks, green and recreational areas,
  • performing professional activities related to monitoring the state of the environment (monitoring),
  • performing professional tasks of preparing an environmental impact study,
  • diagnostic and prognostic service of forest protection,
  • representation of foreign companies performing activities in forestry,
  • professional analysis and expertise in the field of registered scientific and highly professional activities of the Institute.

Authorizations of Croatian Forest Research Institute include:

  • Activities related to monitoring the state of the environment (monitoring),
  • Preparations of expert bases and environmental protection studies,
  • Authorized laboratory for pedological analyzes in organic production,
  • Laboratory accreditation for the HRN EN ISO 17025 system,
  • Public authorities by:
    • Plant Health Act
    • Law on Forest Reproductive Material
    • Forest Act
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