Five-day training school named “Summer school on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing” was held in the period from 6-10/8/2018 at the Jelinčić farm above the Soča River. From all together 18 participants, COST Action CAPABAL approved 14 grants for young and senior researchers and PhD students mostly from Western Balkan region. Other participants were granted by EVOLTREE. The participants were introduced on the final steps of paper submission with the emphasis on the reviewing process and publishing the scientific papers
Great organization of this 5-days intensive experience was in the hands of LIFEGENMON project, Evoltree and COST CAPABAL Action, in collaboration with the Slovenian Forest Research Institute. The summer school was led by prof.dr. Reinhart Ceulemans from the University of Antwerpen (Belgium).
To access the CAPABAL training school programme, materials and gallery, please click the link.