+385 (0)98 324795, +385 (0)98 340497

Anton Brenko

, mag.ing.silv.
Associate Expert

Anton Brenko is an associate expert at Research Center for forest ecosystem goods and services “Josip Ressel” at the CFRI. He is working on different aspects of sustainable NWFP management with the impact on rural development policies. He has many years of experience in writing project proposals and project coordination (IPA Adriatic – projects AMF and Holistic, Horizon 2020 – project Incredible) and he is also a member of European Non-Wood Forest Products Network (COST Action FP1203). He is also involved in National control of quarantine organisms.

DIVISION: Research Centre for forest ecosystem goods and services "Josip Ressel"


  1. Non-wood Forest Products


  • Brenko A., Medak, J., Gradečki-Poštenjak, M., Ćelepirović, N., Čehulić, I., Jakovljević, T., Novak Agbaba, S., Zegnal, I. 2022. Controlled germination and inoculation of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) with two species from genus Tuber. Radovi (Hrvats. šumars. inst.) 48: 28-36
  • Brenko, A., Vidale, E., Oliach, D., Marois, O., Andrighetto, N., Stara, K., Martínez de Aragón, J. and Bonet, J. A. (2022) “Short communication: Edible wild mushrooms of the Northern Mediterranean area - Sectorial analysis and future perspectives”, Forest Systems, 31(3), p. eSC05. doi: 10.5424/fs/2022313-19346.
  • Taghouti, I.; Cristobal, R.; Brenko, A.; Stara, K.; Markos, N.; Chapelet, B.; Hamrouni, L.; Burši ́c, D.; Bonet, J.-A. The Market Evolution of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: A Global Supply Chain Analysis and an Application of the Delphi Method in the Mediterranean Area. Forests 2022, 13, 808. https://doi.org/10.3390/ f13050808
  • Oliach, D.; Vidale, E.; Brenko, A.; Marois, O.; Andrighetto, N.; Stara, K.; Martínez de Aragón, J.; Colinas, C.; Bonet, J.A. Truffle Market Evolution: An Application of the Delphi Method. Forests 2021, 12, 1174. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12091174
  • Posavec, S., Brenko, A. & Beljan, K. (2021) The value of non-wood forest products for the Croatian bioeconomy. Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 138 (4), 279-296.
  • Martinez de Arano I, Maltoni S, Picardo A, Mutke S et al. (2021). Non-Wood Forest Products for people, nature and the green economy. Policy priorities for Europe. A white paper based on lessons learned from around the Mediterranean. Deliverable 3.3 of the European Thematic Network INCREdible, Horizon2020 grant agreement nº 774632.
  • Brenko, A., Indir, K., Vuletić, D., Buršić, D., 2020. Strategy of Sustainable Truffle Management in Varaždin County. Varaždin County, Croatia.
  • Brenko A., Buršić D., Zgrablić Ž., Martínez de Arano I. (2018). A Road Map for innovating NWFPs value chains for the Aromatic and Medicinal Plants iNet. Conclusions issued from the Scoping seminar – 27 & 28 June 2018 of the INCREDIBLE project.

ADRESA: 154. brigade Hrvatske vojske bb, 52000 Pazin, Croatia

TEL: +385 52 416 769

MOB: +385 98 340 273

VPN: 5832

EMAIL: antonb@sumins.hr

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