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First meeting of the second part of the COST Action CAPABAL TN1401, 5-7/4/2017


The first meeting of the second half of the COST Action CAPABAL was held in Skopje in the organization of the Faculty of Forestry (University of Ss. Cyril and Methods). During the three days event the Core group, Management committee, Working groups and Dissemination meetings were held.

The goal of the meeting was to determine and to present the future steps of the action and working groups. One of the main topics was the Strategic Regional Research Agenda which main topics and research lines were adopted by the Management committee and further developed and discussed with all the participants of the meeting. All together participated 40 researchers, policy decision makers and practitioners.

Next meeting of the CAPABAL Action is planned for November, 2017 in Poland (Krakow).



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