+385 (0)98 324795, +385 (0)98 340497

Common Affairs Service

The Common Affairs Service performs professional tasks and services to all employees and institutes of the Institute in the field of:

  • legal affairs,
  • accounting and planning activities,
  • international cooperation,
  • scientific libraries.


The department also provides support for international cooperation, establishing and maintaining contacts with partner institutions in the region and Europe, organizing conferences, meetings, seminars and other events, and related activities.

The scientific library of the Institute is also located in this department, and the activities of the library are related to the maintenance of the book fund and assistance to researchers in accessing and searching various reference databases.


The Common Affairs Service performs general, legal, accounting, material-financial, public procurement, administrative, auxiliary-technical, professional and similar tasks of common interest for the Croatian Forest Research Institute. The department also provides support for work related to international cooperation, and has the Scientific Library of the Institute.

  • Head of the Joint Service of the Croatian Forestry Institute: Fikret Ahmetović, B.Sc. iur.
  • Legal issues and public procurement: Fikret Ahmetović, B.Sc. iur.
  • Accounting: Majda Višnić, BSc in Economics, Andreja Krkuc and Mandica Benković
  • Director’s Secretariat: Ines Fratrić
  • Library: Renata Stojaković, B.Sc. librarian and prof. Croatian language


Status issues, name, seat, activity, organization, legal position, bodies of the Institute, management and administration, conditions and procedure for election to scientific, associate and professional titles and positions, status of other employees, financing and publicity of the Institute, as well as other issues of importance for the performance of the activities and operations of the Institute are determined by the Statute of the Croatian Forestry Institute.

The organization of the Croatian Forest Research Institute, tasks performed in individual organizational units, with delimitation of competencies and responsibilities, business powers and other issues of the organizational structure of the Institute are determined by the Statute and Ordinance on the internal organization of the Croatian Forestry Institute.

The department also provides support for international cooperation, establishing and maintaining contacts with partner institutions in the region and Europe, organizing conferences, gatherings, seminars and other events, and related activities. You can find out more about the international cooperation of the Croatian Forest Research Institute under the link International Cooperation.

As part of the common affairs service, there is also the Library of the Croatian Forestry Institute, which contains professional books and journals, doctoral and master’s theses in the field of forestry, and an extensive reference collection. You can find out more about the publishing activities of the Croatian Forestry Institute under the Publications link.


, dipl.iur.
Head of Common Affairs Service


, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Director General
dipl. knjižničar i prof. hrvatskog jezika
Head of Library
, dipl.oec.
Head of Accounting
Senior Technician
Senior Technician
Senior Technician
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