+385 (0)98 324795, +385 (0)98 340497

Improving green infrastructure planning and management through participatory mapping of cultural ecosystem services (CULTUR-ES)

Domestic project

PROGRAMME: HRZZ Instalation Research Projects

STATUS: Ongoing
Project start: 01. Jan 2018.
Project end: 31. Dec 2022.


With growing population in urban areas both globally and in Europe, importance of green infrastructure (GI) for quality of life is constantly increasing. GI provides various ecosystem services (ES) and is recognised by European Commission as a tool for achieving goals of various policies (spatial planning, nature and biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, etc.). According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, cultural ES are defined as „the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation, and aesthetic experiences”. Importance of studying cultural ES is reflected in prevalence of cultural landscapes in Europe, demand for them is constantly increasing, and it will continue in future. On the other side, there is an increasing demand in democratic societies to include public in decision making with regard to planning and management of GI, while public exclusion from the process often leads to protests. Participatory mapping of cultural ES collects data on how public perceive cultural ES from urban GI, which is useful input for future planning and management of urban GI. The goal of this project is to identify, quantify and map cultural ES and disservices from urban GI based on public perception, explore what affects the perception, and to give recommendation on how to include results of participatory mapping in current spatial planning and management of urban GI. Mix of qualitative and quantitative methods and tools will be used for that purpose (focus groups, survey, webGIS). The project will enhance knowledge on cultural ES and disservices from urban GI, especially in terms of quantification of non-material benefits, as well as disservices from GI since these are often excluded from research on cultural ES.






PROGRAMME: Croatian Science Foundation, Installation Research Project IRP-2017-05-1986



    Kičić, M., Haase, D., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2022. Perceptions of cultural ecosystem services of tree-based green infrastructure: A focus group participatory mapping in Zagreb, Croatia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 78, 127767. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127767

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Perception and Attitudes of Residents Towards Green Spaces in Croatia – an Exploratory Study. South-east European forestry, 12(2), 123-134. https://doi.org/10.15177/seefor.21-12

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Kaliger, I., Matošević, N., Šimpraga, S., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2020. Who Are the Visitors of Forest Park Grmoščica and What Are Their Needs? Results of Quantitative Exploratory Survey. South-east European forestry, 11(2), 169-180. https://doi.org/10.15177/seefor.20-19

    Ugolini, F., Massetti, L., Calaza-Martínez, P., Cariñanos, P., Dobbs, C., Krajter Ostoić, S., Marin, A.M., Pearlmutter, D., Saaroni, H., Šaulienė, I., Simoneti, M., Verlič, A., Vuletić, D., Sanesi, G., 2020. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use and perceptions of urban green space: An international exploratory study. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 56, 126888. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126888

    Krajter Ostoić, S., Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., 2020. Qualitative Exploration of Perception and Use of Cultural Ecosystem Services from Tree-Based Urban Green Space in the City of Zagreb (Croatia). Forests 11, 876. https://doi.org/10.3390/f11080876




    Kičić, M., Krajter Ostoić, S., Seletković, A., 2022. Određivanje prostornog rasporeda percepcije i korištenja zelene infrastrukture u gradu Zagrebu. Dani doktorata biotehničkog područja 2022., Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, 28.-29.9.2022., Zagreb

    Kičić, M., Seletković, A., Haase, D., Vuletić, D., Scheuer, S., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2022. Assessing hotspots of cultural ecosystem services and disservices in the city of Zagreb. Natural resources, green technology & sustainable development GREEN/4, 14.-16.9.2022., Zagreb

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2022. Focus group participatory mapping as a tool for producing new knowledge to enhance planning process – case study of the city of Zagreb, Croatia. IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress “MAKING THE FUTURE, LEARNING FROM THE PAST”. 11.-15.7.2022., Varšava

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2022. Co-creation of new knowledge through exploring perception and use of cultural ecosystem services of urban green infrastructure in the city of Zagreb, Croatia. 24th European Forum on Urban Forestry, 17.-21.5.2022., Beograd

    Kičić, M., Scheuer, S., Krajter Ostoić, S., Haase, D., 2021. MyDynamicCity – highly customizable open-source PPGIS software employed for participatory mapping in the city of Zagreb. 17th International Conference „Geoinformation and Catography”, Geodetski fakultet, 23.-25.9.2021., Zagreb

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Metodološki pristup: prikupljanje kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih atributa prostornih podataka, urbana šuma Maksimir. Dan doktorata biotehničkog područja 2021., Agronomski fakultet, 17.9.2021., Zagreb

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Posjetitelji parka Maksimir i vrijednost kulturoloških usluga ekosustava. Gradski prozori u prirodu, Kraš auditorium, 9.9.2021., Zagreb

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Kulturološke usluge zelene infrastrukture grada Zagreba – rezultati fokus grupa s participativnim kartiranjem. Gradski prozori u prirodu, Kraš auditorium, 9.9.2021., Zagreb

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Green areas use during a lockdown in Croatia caused by a Covid-19 pandemic. 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology, 7.-9.7.2021., Poznan

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. A Qualitative Exploration of Perception and Use of Cultural Ecosystem Services from Tree-Based Urban Green Space in the City of Zagreb (Croatia). 1st African Forum on Urban Forests, 5.-9.7.2021.

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. „Jako puno Zagrepčana ide na Sljeme” – percepcija i prostorni raspored kulturoloških usluga i negativnosti u Parku prirode Medvednica. 1. Znanstveno-stručni skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „Zeleni dodir Medvednice – Medvednica Green Touch”, Centar za posjetitelje Medvedgrad, 10.6.2021., Zagreb

    Krajter Ostoić, S., Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., 2020. Qualitative Exploration of Perception and Use of Cultural Ecosystem Services from Tree-Based Urban Green Space in the City of Zagreb (Croatia). U: The 1st International Electronic Conference on Forests — Forests for a Better Future: Sustainability, Innovation, Interdisciplinarity, 15.-30.10.2020., Online

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vultić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2020. Korištenje zelenih površina u Hrvatskoj za vrijeme lockdown-a uzrokovanog pandemijom bolesti COVID-19. U: Beljo Lučić, R., Ćurić, D., Ivanković, A. (ur.) Dan doktorata biotehničkog područja. Agronomski fakultet, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet i Šumarski fakultet, 16.10.2020., Zagreb

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Haase, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2020. Participativno kartiranje percepcije i korištenja kulturoloških usluga i negativnosti urbane zelene infrastrukture na razini grada – studija slučaja grada Zagreba. U: Beljo Lučić, R., Ćurić, D., Ivanković, A. (ur.) Dan doktorata biotehničkog područja. Agronomski fakultet, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet i Šumarski fakultet, 16.10.2020., Zagreb

    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2020. Perception of cultural ecosystem services in relation to different types of urban green infrastructure – case study of Zagreb, Croatia. U: Socio-Ecological Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape Governance. European Land-Use Institite (ELI), ICUB, Doctoral School Simion Mehedinți (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography), Journal Socio-Ecological Practice Research (SEPR) i IALE Romania, 6.9.2020., Bukurešt



    Krajter Ostoić, S., Vuletić, D., Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., 2022. Negativna percepcija zelenih površina u Zagrebu. U: 4. stručni skup o urbanom šumarstvu “Urbane šume: zelena pluća grada – Rekreativna i zdravstvena funkcija urbanih šuma i gradskog zelenila”, Zadar, 27.-29.10.2022.

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Korištenje zelenih površina za vrijeme lockdown-a uzrokovanog pandemijom bolesti COVID-19. U: 3. hrvatski stručni skup o urbanom šumarstvu „Povezanost urbanog šumarstva s javnom upravom i komunalnim djelatnostima”, 11.-13.11.2021.

    Kičić. M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Participativno kartiranje (PPGIS) i mogućnost primjene u praksi urbanog šumarstva. U: 3. hrvatski stručni skup o urbanom šumarstvu „Povezanost urbanog šumarstva s javnom upravom i komunalnim djelatnostima”, 11.-13.11.2021.

    Krajter Ostoić, S., Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., 2020. Kvalitativno istraživanje percepcije i korištenja kulturoloških usluga zelene infrastrukture na primjeru grada Zagreba. U: 2. Stručni skup o urbanom šumarstvu „Uloga urbanog šumarstva u održivom razvoju zelene infrastrukture u Hrvatskoj”, 25.11.2020.



    Krajter Ostoić, S., Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., 2020. Qualitative study on perception and use of cultural ecosystem services of tree-based urban green spaces example of Zagreb (Croatia). XII WORKSHOP SILVA MEDITERRANEA WORKING GROUP ON URBAN AND PERI-URBAN FORESTRY. 26.11.2020.



    Kičić, M., Marin, A.M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2021. Parkovi, šume i što još? – percepcija kulturoloških usluga zelene infrastrukture grada Zagreba. Dan doktorata biotehničkog područja 2021., 16.-17.9.2021., Agronomski fakultet, Zagreb

    Marin, A.M., Kičić, M., Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., 2020. Percepcija vrijednosti kulturoloških usluga odabranih tipova zelenih površina u gradu Zagrebu. Dan doktorata biotehničkog područja, 16.10.2020., Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb



    Brošura projekta CULTUR-ES

    “Kulturne (kulturološke) usluge urbane zelene infrastrukture” – o projektu CULTUR-ES u časopisu Hrvatske šume

    Rezultati fokus grupa sa građanima

    “Šumari trebaju iskoristiti interes građana za šume” – Intervju s dr.sc. Silvijom Krajter Ostoić u časopisu Hrvatske šume

    Sudjelovanje na Festivalu znanosti 2021. s prezentacijom Gradski parkovi, zelene oaze grada



    Martina Kičić, a member of the CULTUR-ES project, successfully defended her dissertation on the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zagreb


    Research team member Martina Kičić successfully and with the highest grade defended her  dissertation Quantitative Assessment and Mapping of Perception of Cultural Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Urban Green Infrastructure in the City of Zagreb on 21 October 2022 under the mentorship of Prof. Ante Seletković (Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb) and Prof. Dagmar Haase (Humboldt University of Berlin). She used data collected by the PPGIS internet questionnaire MyDynamicCity Zagreb developed in cooperation with Dr. Sebastian Scheuer and Prof. Haase through the CLEARING HOUSE project and Dr. Silvyja Korpilo (University of Helsinki). In 2021, 384 adult participants took part in the research. Participants mapped their perception and use of urban green space in the context of several cultural ecosystem services and disservices in Zagreb. They created almost 6,000 spatial data points. Participants more frequently mapped place attachment, recreation, aesthetic value and cultural identity, and nature education and negative perception of urban green space less frequently. When it comes to types of urban green space, participants mapped parks most often, followed by forests, park forests, botanical/zoo gardens and greenery around water bodies. This research is the first application of the internet PPGIS questionnaire for mapping perception and use of urban green space in the city of Zagreb and Croatia. The dissertation is in English. It is publicly available in the repository of the University of Zagreb and can be retrieved here.

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